Friday, December 7, 2007

sharing is caring

Concept diagram... trying to further the idea of traffic as a flow... using water literally, modification to the program (of the walls themselves) as filtration device, feeding the the slow volumes...

Rendering the project in place... borrowed some textures from my walk photos, and incorporated the rendering into a site photo...

Any comments are appreciated...


Nick Sowers said...

I like the progress. I especially like the effect of your proposal simultaneously blending into the photo montage and popping out of it. Nice work dust-in-the-wind.

Nick Sowers said...

I'm also dying to see the pinball flippers animated!!

Matt Baran said...

Mash Up! Dust in the Pinball Wizard!

Matt Baran said...

I prefer to think of it as redefining open-source frameworks by embracing imbricate ecologies resulting in the incubation of interstitial circuits.