Tuesday, December 4, 2007


slow (slō)

adj. slow·er, slow·est

  1. Not moving or able to move quickly; proceeding at a low speed: a slow train; slow walkers.
  2. Allowing movement or action only at a low speed: a slow track; a slow
  3. Lacking liveliness or interest; boring: a slow party.
  4. Not having or exhibiting intellectual or mental quickness: a slow learner

Thesis Statement:

The speed of life no longer allows for the enjoyment of the world that surrounds us. More than this, it is impacting our survival. Speed can make life dangerous. Architecture can ask us to slow down, through programming, form and space.

The slowing of space becomes particularly important at interface points (zero streets). The space between the hyper-speed of the highway and the speed of daily surface life: the space of acceleration. These interfaces are the most dangerous, but offer opportunities that ask us to rethink our rush. Such a space might begin to slow people and culture by slowing the processes and means of speed, such as cars, food, worship, creating, and learning.

The slow intervention in the zero street will be adaptive: it will adjust to various sites, and respond to movement and sound on those sites. Particular program will be fixed, relating to the general condition, while others will vary by site. Elements may become fixed in the landscape, but will continue to change over time. Funding will come from city budgets for traffic and transit improvements, but also by the life that is generated from new (slow) activities.


Compressed (piling up) / Contrasts

‘Fixed’ Program
School of the Arts, Slow / Local Food Restaurant and Market, Independent Book Store, Non-Denominational Church, Gardens

‘Shifting’ Program
MUNI Station / BART Station, Playing fields, Park and Ride

Slow Links:



10 Sites:
Map showing 10 sites for intervention in Context (Zero Streets / High Speed Interfaces)
Map showing existing program at sites (schools, parks, retail) that will inform extended program

3 to 5 Sites:
Time / Space Diagrams

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